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I went to Hopscotch the musical with my wife opening night in Longmont, CO. I wasn’t sure what to expect or even what the play was about. I only got a hint it had to do with domestic violence when I walked through the lobby and saw a display about it. The opening scene where the stage was set was an absolute tear jerker. The way the actress portrayed a grieving grandmother turned mom due to tragedy really invoked an emotion in me I forget I have some time. I very rarely cry, especially for movies or theater, but this plot was too much to hold back the tears. Unfortunately, even though this is a play, it has become a reality for many families. I couldn’t imagine my daughter growing up without my wife and I and especially having to go through life with the story being played out before me. Then the music started. The singing was great and the songs were beautiful. One in particular called ‘One in Four’ really shook me once again. Not only the words, not only the fact I was learning an extremely unfortunate statistic, but also because of the brilliant way it was played out on the stage. After hearing that particular song and being moved to tears again I was driven to want to do something more. I have volunteered and made donations with organizations geared towards helping children who are victims of abuse. But after seeing this play a new fire was lit and I, as a man, really wanted to do something to help with domestic violence. My wife and I plan to make a good donation this year to a group called No More Tears. A non- profit we wouldn’t even know exists without having seen this musical. And moreover it showed me the aftermath of domestic violence, something I will always go to any length possible to not have affect my family. In other words this musical not only lit a fire for me to want to do something about domestic violence, but it strengthened my conviction to never bring it into my home. Thank you to the writers and actors of this play for putting it on. It was well written, well sung, played and most of all enlightening.


                                     Ben Schwelling

These two letters are testimonials,

sent to me from​

audience members while​

HOPSCOTCH! the Musical

was in production.

I knew Jim through business and marketing groups,

and we were both members of

the Chamber of Commerce. 

However, at the time I received his letter, I had never met Ben.

Afterwards, Ben joined our cast.

Sadly we closed the show

before he performed with us.

I got to see the depth of character of both of these men,

and I am so grateful for

their kind words,

positive focus

and gentle strength.

Thanks to my friends, Jim and Ben,

for supporting us and for taking time to let others know about

HOPSCOTCH! the Musical!

I wrote the show to tell a story about the heroes that show up...

when tragic events show up.

The surprise benefit was that

I found more heroes in the audience, on the stage,

and everywhere I went it seems.

Thank you for being heroes

to your own families and friends,

and to me.

I am so grateful for you!

I am a better person for the experience of knowing you!


Robbie Kudla

Alone in the Night performed by Tabitha Rogers, at
Vance Brand Auditorium, Longmont, Colorado, January, 2015.

“As one enters the theater of a stage ​performance the mood is often filled with anticipation of the upcoming experience. Hopscotch! the Musical was no different for us and as the prelude music was being performed we realized this ​

was no ordinary production.

By the intermission we had been introduced to several heroes both on and off stage. The spirit of these amazing individuals and their stories drove home a powerful message of strength, passion, and hope. The second half of the musical proved even more powerful and engaging, taking us from laughter, to tension, to anger, to deepest sadness, and to joy. Yes, tears were shed, yes, grief was felt, and the greatest emotion that was elicited was admiration and gratitude for all who stepped out and healed from this amazing production. The music and lyrics were powerful

and the stories

made an incredible impact.

Domestic violence in our community and society is such a difficult subject to address and yet, this musical presents the many facets of this experience to the audience and allows you to connect via the actor’s stories and the case files that have been delicately weaved

into the fabric of this show.

Kudo’s to Robbie Kudla and company for putting your heart, passion, energy, love, belief, and finances on the line to bring this to the world. I hope to see it

on Broadway some day.

Will you be drained when it's over?


Will you shed tears?


Will you be changed by this show? Absolutely!

Will you want to share it with others?

By all means!

Will it stay with you forever?

No Question!

This is a must see show for everyone directly or indirectly touched by

Domestic Violence.

Thank you Robbie and Company for bringing this to your home community of Longmont!”


 Jim Lytton

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